Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Glyph Reflection

          Similarities in my glyph portraits include the following: believing that leadership can be both an inborn trait or a nurture over nature quality, believing that the vast majority of OTs are leaders, holding leadership positions, having a combination of out-in-front and behind the scenes leadership style, believing that self-awareness is a required trait of a leader, and believing that creativity and organization are qualities of a leader. Though I did not have much experience in the MOT program when creating my first glyph, I still had views that have not changed even after gaining experience. I knew that the majority of OTs were leadership simply from meeting various practitioners during my prerequisite coursework and shadowing, as well as professors in this program. Additionally, I have always felt that self-awareness is a quality that is beneficial and needed for any situation or position. Reflecting on your actions and knowing what your effect is on others is incredibly important.
One difference in particular that I noticed was the category indicating if I felt I held more leadership positions at that point than my peers. My first glyph shows that I felt I did because I held various positions during my time in undergraduate school, I was involved in organizations, and volunteered much more than my peers at the time. However, now I put that I feel the opposite. This is not because I gave up all of those leadership opportunities, but it is because my peers are just as involved as I am. I would not say that I hold more leadership positions at this point, but I still feel that I have leadership qualities. A positive outlook on this change is that I am surrounded by like-minded, leadership-oriented peers to hold me to that same standard.

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