Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Rollin' Grizzlies

The Memphis Rollin’ Grizzlies are a nationally ranked, wheelchair basketball team that represents Memphis, Tennessee. This team is made up of all kinds of individuals, all with different backgrounds and lifestyles. I had the opportunity to attend one of their practices on May 30, 2018 and I now have a whole new perspective on wheelchair sports.

I watch NBA basketball regularly, not to say that I am an expert by any means. However, I had a few questions in mind before going to watch the team. I was wondering how the players blocked others, how they maneuvered around to pass the ball to teammates that may be behind them without running into another player, and many other scenarios. As I watched them practice, my questions were quickly answered. Those that weren’t answered by watching were kindly answered by the coach.

The intensity of this sport is honestly mind-blowing. Playing in a wheelchair does not take any grit out of this sport. Some of the players flipped over their chairs, but with the help of a teammate, they quickly got back up and resumed playing as if nothing happened. I found it astonishing how the players were aware of their chairs boundaries to ensure that they were in the lines on the court. I figured that since they played in wheelchairs different from their every day wheelchairs, it would take a lot of adjusting to realize the difference in width and length of the wheelchair on the court, but it did not seem to phase any of the players.

I was amazed at the different ways the players balanced themselves. One player happened to have both LEs amputated, which would definitely require him to balance himself on his wheelchair differently than the player who could walk and had heavier LEs than the rest of his team. No matter their situation, they all put in one-hundred percent of their effort to play the game. That is key to adapting to life in a wheelchair in my opinion. Putting in all of your effort, no matter your disability. To find out more about the Rollin’ Grizzlies, check out their website at the following link:

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